Explore Our Key Service Areas

At Consumer Protection Advocate, we offer a range of services designed to protect your rights and financial well-being. From mortgage assistance to debt collection defense and fraud prevention, our team is dedicated to providing the support you need to navigate complex consumer issues.

Mortgage Help

Prevent foreclosure and protect your home with our expert guidance.

Debt Defense

Stand up to aggressive collectors and secure your financial peace.

Client Success Stories

Discover how we have transformed lives by protecting consumer rights and ensuring financial security.
Through our dedicated mortgage assistance, we helped a family avoid foreclosure, allowing them to stay in their home and regain financial stability.

David P.
Homeowner, Consumer Protection Advocate

Our debt collection defense services empowered a client to stand up against aggressive collectors, restoring their peace of mind and financial health.

Jody W.
Client, Consumer Protection Advocate

We educated a senior couple on recognizing financial scams, helping them safeguard their savings and avoid exploitation.

Mitch J.
Senior Advocate, Consumer Protection Advocate

Providing your information does not guarantee results and not all visitors will qualify for the advertised rates and terms. You agree to be contacted by partners and specialists in our network, by submitting your information. There is no cost to submit a loan request, get matched with lenders and receive conditional loan offers. You may review the conditional loan offers and talk to a specialist at no cost. A fee may be required by the service provider you select in order to process your loan request. Consumer Rights Advocate does not charge fees to match you up with partners and affiliates in our network. Partners and affiliates in our network provides a no cost evaluation of your options. Costs and fees may apply once you have chosen a services and or products provided by companies, attorneys, consultants and brokers in our network.

1081 N Tustin Ave, Ste 115, Anaheim, CA 92807. It is not necessary to pay a third party to arrange for a loan modification or other form of forbearance from your mortgage lender or servicer. You may call your lender directly to ask for a change in your loan terms. Nonprofit housing counseling agencies also offer these and other forms of borrower assistance free of charge. A list of nonprofit housing counseling agencies approved by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is available from your local HUD office or by visiting www.hud.gov